The #striped pagelist template: basics

The #striped template allows somebody to create a page consisting in several HTML div wrapping PMWiki pages, each one having a particular a coloured background, depending if the page has an even or odd number in the pagelist.

Example of usage

Here is an example of usage of the #striped template, that will produce a page that looks like the previous image :

(:pagelist fmt=#striped group=MyGroup coloreven=#379e5e colorodd=#FFF fontcoloreven="white" fontcolorodd="":)

The 4 four lines will hide the sidebar, the breadcrumb, the action bar and the fact that the content of the pages are contained in bootstrap containers. The last line is the real usage of the #striped pagelist template. We can see 3 different parameters taken by the template.

  • coloreven is the background color taken by pages with an even page number in the page list
  • colorodd is the same but for the odd page numbers
  • fontcoloreven is the font color taken by pages with an even page number in the page list
  • fontcolorodd is the same but for the odd page numbers
Page last modified on January 31, 2018, at 04:47 PM