I like lists and grids, I want both !

Well, it's possible ! As skINGI integrates Bootstrap 4, you can put it at the same level :

Title Docker Page

February 03, 2018, at 03:29 PM
This is my description

Title INGInious Page

February 03, 2018, at 03:29 PM
This is my description

Title Autumn Page

February 03, 2018, at 03:28 PM
This is my description

Example of page with fullscreen parallax background

February 03, 2018, at 03:31 PM
This page is very useful to build simple and elegant single-page websites.

Fullscreen parallax background + left sidebar

February 03, 2018, at 03:30 PM
This page is very useful to build simple and elegant single-page websites.

Fullscreen parallax background + right sidebar

February 03, 2018, at 03:30 PM
This page is very useful to build simple and elegant single-page websites.

Title Docker Page

February 03, 2018, at 03:29 PM
This is my description

Title INGInious Page

February 03, 2018, at 03:29 PM
This is my description

Title Autumn Page

February 03, 2018, at 03:28 PM
This is my description

Example of page with fullscreen parallax background

February 03, 2018, at 03:31 PM
This page is very useful to build simple and elegant single-page websites.

Fullscreen parallax background + left sidebar

February 03, 2018, at 03:30 PM
This page is very useful to build simple and elegant single-page websites.

Fullscreen parallax background + right sidebar

February 03, 2018, at 03:30 PM
This page is very useful to build simple and elegant single-page websites.

Page last modified on September 25, 2017, at 04:06 PM