
(:modal my_modal This is modal size=:)
Place the body of your modal here
(:bs-button button secondary Close size= data-dismiss="modal":)
(:bs-button button primary Save size=:)

(:bs-button button warning Open the modal size= data-toggle="modal" data-target="#my_modal":)


Enter your email address so we can spam you
How old are you ?

(:bs-form-entry text email email label=Email address value= placeholder=michelfra@michel.fra help_text=Enter your email address so we can spam you label_placement= addon=@:)
(:bs-form-entry password password password label=Password value= placeholder= help_text= label_placement= addon=:)
(:bs-form-entry number age age label=Age value=21 placeholder= help_text=How old are you ? label_placement= addon=:)

(:input select name=abc value=1 label=alpha class="custom-select":)
(:input select name=abc value=2 label=beta  :)
(:input select name=abc value=3 label=gamma :)

(:bs-button submit success Let's go size=lg:)



Description of the card

(:card class="" style="width: 300px":)

[[ {Examples.Card$FullName} | (:imgcard src="/pub/skins/skingi/images/ingi_square.svg" height="50" fit="contain":)]]

(:cardblock class="":)
(:cardtitle class="":)

%apply=link color="inherit"% [[ {Examples.Card$FullName} | Example]]\\

(:cardtext class="":)

''01/01/1970'' \\
Description of the card (:fadeout height=(:if ! equal  "":)  (:else:)20px (:ifend:) color="(:if ! equal  "":)  (:else:) white (:ifend:)":) 



Horizontal Card


Description of the card

(:card class="newslistitem" style="width: 500px" :)

(:div class="row":) \

(:div2 class="col-md-3":)
(:imgcard src="/pub/skins/skingi/images/ingi_square.svg" height="50" fit="contain" direction=row:)

(:cardblock class="":)
(:cardtitle class="":)

%apply=link color="inherit"% [[ {Examples.CardHorizontal$FullName} | Example]]\\

(:cardtext class="":)

''01/01/1970'' \\
Description of the card (:fadeout height=(:if ! equal  "":)  (:else:)20px (:ifend:) color="(:if ! equal  "":)  (:else:) white (:ifend:)":) 




(:carousel id=my_car slides=3 interval=2000 pause=hover ride=carousel wrap=true:)
(:carouselitem img=[=] title=I love code text=I am a 12 year full stack JS coder:)
(:carouselitem img=[=] title= text=Don't look, its secret code!:)
(:carouselitem img=[=] title=\°o°/ text=:)
(:endcarousel id=my_car:)

Page last modified on February 06, 2018, at 05:06 PM